The Huntingdon County Conservation District was organized to provide for the conservation of soil and water resources, assist in watershed protection and flood prevention, preserve woodland and wildlife, protect public lands, preserve the tax base, and to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people. We have proudly served Huntingdon County since July 28, 1955.
Our Staff:
Tyne Blazier
District Manager
Phone: (814)-627-1626 ext. 3024
Jonathan Yoder
Chesapeake Bay/ Nutrient Management Technician
Phone: (814)-627-1626 ext. 3022
Jonathan started working for the district as the Nutrient Management and Chesapeake Bay Specialist in November 2018. He will be working with agricultural producers administering Chesapeake Bay projects, writing manure management plans, reviewing Act 38 plans, and working with compliance issues through the county. In December 2016 he graduated from Frostburg State University with a degree in Wildlife Biology. Jonathan and his wife Echo reside in Bedford County where they live and operate a beef and specialty crop farm growing pumpkins and berries. Jonathan grew up working on his family dairy farm. He enjoys hunting, farming and working on his classic truck with his dog Mack.
Maggie Ritchey
Watershed Specialist/ Keep Huntingdon County Beautiful Coordinator
Phone: (814)-627-1626 ext. 3021
Jonathan Wall
Erosion & Sedimentation Resource Technician
Phone: (814)-627-1626 ext. 3019
Carey Lightner
Dirt and Gravel Technician
Phone: (814)-627-1626 ext. 3015
Carey started working for the district as the Dirt and Gravel Roads Technician in November of 2021. He is responsible for administering The Dirt, Gravel, and Low-Volume Road (DGLVR) Program which provides funds for townships in Huntingdon county to help improve road quality on public paved and unpaved roads that impact water quality. He graduated from Penn State in 2018 with a degree in Plant Science and Soils. Originally from Huntingdon County, he is excited to be working in a field that allows him to implement new road designs that help reduce the amount of pollution entering our ecosystem. Carey enjoys Mountain Biking, Skiing, Kayaking, Golfing, and many other outdoor activities.
2024 Huntingdon County Conservation Board of Directors