Program/Field Trips
The Huntingdon County Conservation District (HCCD) staff hosts field trips, presentations, and hands-on workshops for area schools throughout the county. Field trips for area schools have focused on wetlands and invasive plants, aquatic biology and stream studies, dumpsites and groundwater, agricultural conservation, litter and recycling, and local stream health. Environmental programming and field trips are freely available to all county schools, by request.
HCCD staff also serve the community by speaking at various community meetings about district programs that promote environmental stewardship. In 2019 alone, the HCCD was able to reach out to approximately 1,969 individuals through a number of educational programs. All programming is led by the Watershed Specialist, please contact him if you are interested in scheduling a program.
Huntingdon County Envirothon
HCCD is proud to host and manage the Huntingdon County Envirothon Competition, designed to encourage local high school students to learn about and engage in their environment. Each year, student teams from local high schools compete in hands-on and written station tests for five different environmental topics. The topics are as follows; Wildlife, Forestry, Soils and Land Use, Aquatic Ecology, and a Current Environmental Issue. Last year’s Current Environmental Issue topic was “Agriculture and the Environment: Knowledge and Technology to Feed the World.” In 2019, 12 teams participated representing six different high schools, including Calvary Christian Academy, Grier School, Huntingdon Area High School, Juniata Valley High School, and Mount Union Area High School. Each year, the winning team advances to the Pennsylvania Envirothon competition to compete against students from across the state. To learn more about the PA Envirothon, please click here.
NACD Poster Contest
Each year, the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) sponsors a poster contests to engage K-12th grade students in an environmental theme and bring awareness to a relevant conservation issue. This year’s theme is “Healthy Forests = Healthy Communities”?
To participate, each student must produce a poster (sized 14" x 22": half a typical poster), related to this year's theme. The theme "Healthy Forests = Healthy Communities?" MUST be included on the poster. Please be sure to view the Contest Flyer and Contest Rules for all poster rules and for helpful tips. Reminder that artwork must be original; one entry per student. Please attach the Poster Entry Form 2021 on the back of each poster.
HCCD staff and board members will review and vote on the submitted posters to select a winner for each category to represent Huntingdon County at the state contest! State winners for each grade category will be given a cash prize. These winners will also be entered into the NACD national competition. For more information, click here.
Posters will be due for submission to the Huntingdon County Conservation District by Thursday, June 22nd, 2021 by 4:00pm. Posters with entry forms attached must be dropped off or mailed to the HCCD office at:
Huntingdon County Conservation District
10605 Raystown Road, Suite A
Huntingdon, PA 16652