The main paperwork items for the DGLVR Program are available below for program participants. Simply click the titles to download. All forms are provided by the Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies and are also available on their Blank Forms page.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to apply for a DGLVR grant, you must first meet the eligibility requirements and attend a pre-application meeting with the Dirt and Gravel Roads Technician. Please contact the Roads Technician for more information on becoming eligible and applying for DGLVR grants.
Informational Dinner Presentation
- Presented during March 20, 2020 meeting.
Project Application Packet
includes grant application, work plan, and expenditure sheets
Traffic Count Validation Form
a valid traffic count must be included for low-volume road applications. For guidance on completing a traffic count, please contact the Dirt and Gravel Roads technician and see section 7.5 of the Administrative Manual, available here
Project Completion Report
- to be filled out and submitted to the Conservation District with invoices when all project work has been completed
Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) Control Plan
- contact the E&S or Dirt and Gravel Roads Technician at the Conservation District for assistance determining whether your project requires an E&S plan
Project File Checklist
- this is a list of the paperwork the Conservation District is required to keep on file for each road project. This can serve as guidance for municipalities to make sure they are maintaining thorough files and providing the District with the necessary paperwork:
Prevailing Wage
- Prevailing Wage Frequently Asked Questions
QAB Policy
- Huntingdon County's local policy for the DGLVR program. Make sure to review our local allocation policies on the last page.
Application Ranking Criteria
- these criteria are used to rank all DGLVR applications received and prioritize which projects will receive funding.
Maintenance Tips
- This document provides guidance on recommended and expected routine maintenance for completed Dirt, Gravel, and Low-Volume Road (DGLVR) Projects. This is the document referenced in the Huntingdon County Quality Assurance Board Administrative Policy. This document may also be useful for non-DGLVR roads in need of routine maintenance.