Projects Under One Acre
For smaller projects with under one acre of earth disturbance, a Small Projects E&S Control Plan Template (PDF) is available for your use.
This template is designed to assist property owners, contractors, developers, and municipalities with small scale and low complexity projects and to also meet the regulatory Chapter 102 requirements. Please see the Guidance and On-line Resources provided at the bottom of this page to help you complete your plan. An experienced consultant may still be needed for the plan preparation depending on the size and scope of your project.
When is an E&S Plan Required?
Any earth disturbance activity is required to implement and maintain erosion and sedimentation (E&S) best management practices (BMPs) to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation.
Projects which disturb 5,000 square feet or more of land are required to develop a written E&S plan then implement and maintain the erosion controls on the site during construction and until permanent stabilization is restored. In addition, any earth disturbance project which has the potential to discharge to either High Quality or Exceptional Value water requires that a written E&S plan be prepared. Once the plan is written, it must be implemented and kept available for use on-site during all earth disturbance activities.
- Written E&S Plans for small projects are not required to be reviewed by our office, unless it is required by another municipality, organization, or agency (i.e., Chapter 105 permits, NPDES waste or borrow areas, PennDOT projects, USFWS)
- A copy of your E&S plan must always be kept available on-site during construction.
- Upon complaint or site inspection, the Huntingdon County Conservation District and/or DEP may require that the E&S plan be submitted for review and approval to ensure compliance with Chapter 102.
- Your Municipality may require items such as grading or building permits prior to the start of any work. Please check with your municipality before beginning any new construction project.
How to Submit an E&S Plan to the District for Review:
You may need to submit your E&S plan to the Conservation District for review during project planning as a condition set by other municipalities, organizations, or permitting agencies. Please take a moment to download our E&S Control Plan Review Application form with instructions, and to use any of the other resource links provided below to help you complete your application & plan.
- E&S Plans for review can be mailed or delivered directly to our office: Huntingdon County Conservation District, 10605 Raystown Road, Suite A, Huntingdon, PA 16652
- Please complete and submit the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Review Application and Fee Schedule along with a check made out to the Huntingdon County Conservation District for the applicable review fee.
- Or you may use our…new Electronic Payment System!
E&S Control Plan Template
- Small Projects E&S Control Plan Template The District provides this E&S Plan Template for use on small projects. Homeowners will find this document helpful. This form is not required for use if you prepare your own plan. Contact our office for assistance.
Guidance Documents
- Guidelines for Developing & Implementing an Effective E&S Control Plan (PDF)
- Pennsylvania Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices Manual (PDF)
- BMP Standard Construction Details
Tools and On-Line Resources
- FEMA Flood Map Service Center
- PA Fish & Boat Commission Trout Streams
- Huntingdon County Tax Parcel Viewer GIS
- Excavators are required to notify PA One Call System at least 3 but not more than 10 business days before digging. Calling Pennsylvania 811 relays your dig information to the utility companies within your municipality.