Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program
The Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) was created through the Clean Streams Fund established by the FY 2022-2023 Pennsylvania State Budget. ACAP provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations within the Commonwealth.
ACAP is administered by the State Conservation Commission and delegated to participating conservation districts for local implementation of the program. The Huntingdon County Conservation District voted to accept the local delegation of ACAP on November 3, 2022.
ACAP was allocated $154 million from the Clean Streams Fund to reduce non-point source (NPS) pollution in Commonwealth streams, rivers and waterbodies. Huntingdon County has been allocated $2,023,341 to allocate and spend on farm projects by the end of 2026.
Eligible Costs include:
- Project design, engineering and associated planning costs.
- Project construction or installation provided by a contractor, including labor provided by the applicant.
- Equipment, materials and other components of eligible projects
- Post construction inspections
All proposed projects must be associated with a Manure or Nutrient Management Plan, or Ag E&S or Conservation Plan. If a farmer needs assistance with developing those plans, there is financial assistance available through the PA Association of Conservation Districts.
To apply for the Huntingdon County ACAP program, fill out and return this application to Tyne Blazier, District Manager. Click Here
To apply for up to $1500 reimbursement for plan development, fill out this application and return it to Tyne Blazier, District Manager. Click Here
Tyne Blazier, Manager email: 10605 Raystown Road, Suite A, Huntingdon, PA 16652